Opinion:Why This Man Carries His Tumors At Arm's Length


s 42-year-old Indian lives with terrible tumors on his arms, which he carries like a tree. In addition to these heavy growths to carry, he has a huge one that also hangs from his cheek, on the right side. He cannot speak well or move as easily as he would like. Right now, no doctor dares to risk the operation. Watch the video of this man who has to carry his 18-kilogram tumors spread over his body at arm's length

A man lives with tumors on his arms

Palanisami lives in the small, remote village of Podarankadu, in the state of Tamil Nadu, in southern India. Due to his extreme remoteness, he has no access to any medical treatment, yet he would need the advice of a specialist who can seriously look into his case. The 42-year-old man has limited mobility, due to tumors that prevent him from walking long distances, and another tumor that prevents him from speaking properly.

He does not have access to health care

Until the age of 12, Palanisami lived like everyone else, in good health. Then a growth appeared in his body, four on his arms and five smaller ones in other parts of the body. He has been to Dharmapuri hospital before, but examinations have not helped doctors determine the cause or the solution to these tumors. Indian doctors do not dare to operate for fear of putting the man's life in danger.

His tumors handicap him daily

“The doctors said the tumors were safe and would not affect him,” says Sivasami, his brother. “Because our village is in the mountains and we don't have enough money to travel to remote towns to seek medical help, so we never really paid attention to his medical condition. But now the tumors are huge and it affects his daily life ”. Since the death of his father, he can count on the help of his two brothers and his sisters-in-law.


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