Is This Love Or Money? Photo Of Couple That Got Everybody Talking
One may ask ,is this love or money? This couple photo hit the internet and everyone is talking. To me it is love, remember we said that love is blind. Some fat women tends to like the slim men and vice versa. The most important thing in the life of a couple is love, when they love one another, then their union will stand the test of time, whether there is money or not. In the right sense of it ,it will not be lovely if the two partners are fat or slim, it is better if one is slim and the other is fat or slim too. In our clime here in Nigeria and indeed Africa, we tend to consume a lot of food that gives us fats and carbohydrates ,thereby putting more sugar in our blood which in turn make us to add weight. Almost every food we eat here is full of starch. Some can eat garri in the morning, afternoon and night, because that is the only food that they can afford at that time. For the couple in the photo, there is nothing wrong with them .They are just beautiful together in this picture, an...